Saturday, May 28, 2011

Initial storyboards finished

Over 97 drawings scanned, and only 15 more to grayscale! I'm meeting my goal. It is taking a bit longer, due to a busy Memorial Day weekend. Looking for freelance this summer is taking up much of my time, but I made a deadline for myself, and I am going to meet the deadline!

Grayscaling the boards assists in adding mood and basic lighting. A great reference I use is the blog:
by Mark Kennedy. Its a quick lesson on toning values and offers some great tips! Check it out!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

More Storyboards

Working continuously on storyboarding. Had to take a break yesterday, because I got in such a mode, that I only got 3-4 hours of sleep! Hard to concentrate on drawing or be creative, when one is having a hard time focusing. My goal is to have all drawing complete by the end of the week, and find/create sound effects after the holiday weekend!

Here are a couple of new ones:

Looking forward to animatic phase! Well, back to drawing and scanning!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Storyboarding Away!!!

FINALLY! I found some time between semesters to work on my project. I taught 5 classes from January to May (no repeats), as well as I took an animation course called Character Movement. I learned a lot, and look forward to traditionally animating this project. I realize it has been too long since I posted, and even devoted time to this, but now I'm drawing like crazy! Over 100 scenes to block, and I have drawn and scanned only 68 so far! Here is a sample of one of the frames:

I really love this part of the process! Imagining and blocking out camera angles and providing mood, to enhance the storytelling! Once it is all drawn, scanned, gray-scaled, and then placed in animatic form, I will be soooo excited!